Saturday October 24 / 2020
10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Pasinger Fabrik, August-Exter-Str.1, 81245 München www.pasinger-fabrik.com how to get there: www.pasinger-fabrik.de/die-fabrik/anfahrt-mvv

Which road are the independent performing arts taking at the moment? Traditionally, it has rarely been a broad and comfy one, but these days, in 2020, there are some extra large rocks lining the path. The pandemic has clearly shown how vulnerable the independent performing arts sector is, and transnational cooperations have become even more difficult or impossible. Concerted action and strategic team spirit are more needed than ever. How do the independent performing arts deal with the current challenges? How do we want to shape Europe, work with sustainability in mind and fulfill the social task during the pandemic?

Our On the Road meeting in Munich aims for local and international arts professionals and representatives of several arts organisations and associations to reflect on what has happened since the IETM Munich Plenary Meeting 2018, which was held under the motto “Res Publica Europa”.  After an introduction into IETM as a networking organisation, the Plenary‘s topics – diversity, participation and the future – will be backed by best-practice-projects before leading to today’s questions and possible solutions regarding sustainability, inclusion and work in times of the pandemic. Structures and ideas of other countries may serve as a blueprint for suggestions. In the evening, participants in the On the Road will be invited to attend the performances of Munich’s independent theatre and dance festival “RODEO 2020 Baustelle Utopia”.

The meeting is open to both ITEM members and non-members. Participation is free but registration is required on IETM’s website (www.ietm.org). If you have any questions, please contact on-the-road@meta-theater.com.